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Centennial is sharply focused on sustainability as a long-term, fully integrated business approach. Our goal is simple: Create a healthy environment for our employees, tenants, guests and communities and sustain this environment for future generations. Today we are committed to doing even more — to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions, energy use, water consumption and waste generation.

What We’re Doing at The Shops at North Bridge

  • We use green cleaning products at our center wherever and whenever possible.
  • The Center has implemented new lighting protocols that allow us to minimize our energy use and lower our carbon footprint without any impact on the shopping experience.
  • After a two-week rotation, a percentage of live plants/flowers are sent to a neighborhood hospital to be distributed to patients to brighten up their rooms rather than be discarded.
  • We have reduced the hours of operation for our HVAC system to lower our carbon footprint without negatively impacting our shoppers or retailers.
  • Housekeeping uses new carpet cleaners that use 50% less water.
  • Our Security staff patrols the Center and the surrounding district on foot rather than utilizing a vehicle of any sort.
  • Most of our Center’s trash is sorted and placed in two separate compactors: one for recyclables and another for wet waste such as food.
  • Electrical vehicle charging in Nordstrom garage.